The Ganbald Triad (Mini-Dungeon)

Dungeon Info

Level Range:1 - 4
Suggested Player Count:1
1 lotus tile (first run through)

A small group of former Agni Kai gangsters has splintered away from Triad leadership. Having spent a few weeks in the shadows, the gangsters broke their cover – stealing some rather pricey goods from a merchant under Triad protection. With the Agni Kai leadership’s decision to retaliate, you have been hired to obliterate the fledgling Ganbald Triad.

"That dirty scoundrel Ganbald thinks he can get away with betraying our triad! The boss thinks he needs to be taught a lesson, we can’t afford to allow this breakaway to get any bigger… I heard he’s camped out near the Kazan hideout. I’m sure we can make it worth your while to pay them a visit…."

Agni Kai Triad Recruiter

The dungeon can be found to the east of the fast travel node to the south of the Fire Nation Capital.

Location: 4544 56 11336 (overworld)

Defeat the bandits and their leader, Ganbald, to avoid any further rebellion among the Agni Kais.