Farmer (Mini-Dungeon)

Dungeon Info

Level Range:Easy: 17 - 20
Hard: 20 - 23
Suggested Player Count:1
RewardsEasy: 1000xp, 16x Rich Soil
Hard: 1500xp, 16x Aunt Wu's Agricultural Catalyst
1 lotus tile (inside house)

Jun-Fan was once a the most successful fighter in the Gaoling Arena, with an unbeaten record that seemed like it would never end. After one fateful fight, when he finally tasted defeat, he retired from fighting and relocated to the Agrarian Zone. Now he looks for any fight that can give him the same buzz as those he once had in the arena

The dungeon can be found in the southwestern portion of the Ba Sing Se Agrarian Zone. Speak to Jun-Fan near the solitary house in the area to start the dungeon. This can only be done once per day.

Location: 18890 40 6485 (overworld)

Challenge Jun-Fan to a duel and defeat him.