The Cave of Hethro (Mini-Dungeon)

Dungeon Info

Level Range:1 - 4
Suggested Player Count:1
1 lotus tile (first run through)

Waterbender legend speaks of a great spider, hidden deep in the frozen northlands. Many only speak the monster’s name in hushed whispers, fearing her renowned malice. Those brave enough to speak her name aloud call her Hethro, queen of the ice spiders. Those even braver still venture into her lair, said to be hidden in the snow-covered caves. Recently, a team of explorers disappeared from the area, and you have been tasked with finding them, or, alternatively, burying them.

"My god... I can hear them... oh spirits protect me! I was told the stories as a child, but that’s all they were, stories told by mothers to stop their sons and daughters running away... To anyone who reads this, I beg you, do not come here! No matter what treasures lie within! I can hear them again, closer this time... Oh no... she’s here... Let this be the last will and testament of Quie~~~"

The dungeon can be found to the east fast travel node from the Northern Water Tribe. The cave will be north west from the fast travel node. (See: Orange flag on map).

Location: 14992 35 1646 (overworld)

Kill the spiders of the nest and their queen, Hethro.