AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 117: Netflix A:TLA Release Day

2024-02-22 20:07:00 +0000 UTC by TurboClicks

The day is finally here! After a years-long wait, the Netflix live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender has premiered. Perfect timing, as the original animation premiered one day earlier — 19 years ago in the United States — with a one-hour special on February 21, 2005. The special featured the first two episodes of the series: "The Boy in the Iceberg" and "The Avatar Returns."

In today's blogpost, we'll cover how we honor the animation and how we're looking forward to the future of the franchise.

Celebrating Cactus Juice Day Direct Link

To celebrate the series that started it all and inspired us to create this Minecraft server, we at AvatarMC like to partake in a yearly tradition dubbed "Cactus Juice Day."

U.S. audiences got their first glimpse of the Avatar Universe at 7 p.m. EST. This was midnight UTC on February 22 which is why the server has Cactus Juice Day for some time zones on the 22nd each year.

From midnight UTC on February 22 — for exactly 24 hours —when you break a cactus block, you have a chance that (alongside the actual item) cactus juice will drop. This will only drop once per time, so you'll want to keep placing and breaking cactus if you're looking to hoard it. Cactus Juice will typically be a potion of Nausea III.

Sokka holding cactus juice cup. Image from "The Desert" episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender

The Live-Action Direct Link

We are so very excited to see the enthusiasm for our favorite franchise with the release of Netflix's new live-action. As the live-action showrunner and executive producer Albert Kim recently told IGN, "this is a remix, not a cover." Having new content like this breathes life into the franchise and will ultimately bring new fans into the fold.

Over in the AvatarMC Discord server, we've introduced a new forum channel called #live-action-discussion to host all conversation related to the live-action, with episode-specific channels and a general discussion channel. As you watch the new show, let us know what you think! What were your favorite moments?

Have a great weekend, and happy watching!

Aang, Katara, and Sokka flying on Appa. Image from Netflix's live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender