AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 104: Introducing Discord Forum Channels

2022-10-15 18:44:06 +0000 UTC by TurboClicks

Recently, Discord rolled out a new feature to Community servers called Forum Channels! This new channel type is designed to allow discussions to coexist without people talking over each other and aid in nurturing more structured conversations.

With our Discord server being an essential AvatarMC platform, our Moderation Team took a look at how to best integrate Forum Channels into our server. We have decided that the #suggestions and #bug-report channels will benefit the most from the new feature.

Forum Channels are exactly what you image — a forum nested within a channel. We've set post guidelines and created a collection of tags to categorize everything. Each post will require that you create a title, enter a message, and select a tag. You can hit the bell icon to add posts to your channels list and receive notifications on new messages. Both channels includes a search to ensure that a topic has not already been posted.

Suggestions Channel Direct Link

Use this channel to provide suggestions for AvatarMC. Add a "thumbs up" emoji to show your support for an idea.

The following tags have been created to help categorize posts in this channel:

  • Gameplay: For suggestions relating to our Minecraft server such as bending or builds.
  • Events: For suggestions on community events such as bending tournaments or writing competitions.
  • Discord: For suggestions relating to the AvatarMC Discord.
  • Server Store: For suggestions related to the offerings on the AvatarMC Server Store.
  • Website: For requesting updates to AvatarMC.com.
  • Server Improvements: For general suggestions relating to the improvement of AvatarMC.

Bug Report Channel Direct Link

Use this channel to report bugs or issues found across AvatarMC platforms. If you believe that the bug is too sensitive for the public, please message a Moderator or Admin.

The following tags have been created to help categorize posts in this channel:

  • Open: This is the default tag for all posts.
  • Acknowledged by AMC: This tag can only be applied by AvatarMC Moderators and will be used when the appropriate AvatarMC team has received word of the issue.
  • Closed: This tag can only be applied by AvatarMC Moderators and will be used when a report has been met with a resolution.