AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 122: That's Called Sokka Style. Learn It!

2024-04-06 20:37:16 +0000 UTC by VeerSky and TurboClicks

Render of Sokka, Katara, and Aang holding Sokka's weapons, made by daales

Introducing four new Sokka-inspired cosmetics for your waterbending and non-bending focus now available in the AvatarMC Server Store!

Inspired by the legendary Water Tribe warrior, these items are sure to add some flair to your gameplay. Let's take a closer look at what's in store.

Sokka's Boomerang Direct Link

No Sokka-inspired ensemble is complete without his trusty boomerang! This cosmetic weapon is not only stylish but also packs a punch in battles. With its sleek design, you'll be sure to turn heads as you dominate the battlefield.

Sokka's Club Direct Link

Get ready to channel your inner warrior with Sokka's Club! This formidable weapon is perfect for those who prefer a more hands-on approach to combat. With its sturdy construction and powerful swings, you'll be able to take on any challenge that comes your way.

Hook Variant Direct Link

Looking to add a unique twist to your weapon? Look no further! Sokka's Club with a hook attachment is the perfect choice for your remarkable style!

Sokka's Machete Direct Link

Lastly, we present Sokka's Machete: a blade crafted for the daring adventurer. Whether you're exploring the wilderness or engaging in intense battles, this versatile tool is designed to withstand the toughest challenges you encounter.

Don't miss out on your chance to own these iconic Sokka-themed cosmetics! Head over to the Server Store now and add them to your collection. See below for the complete list of new items and their prices.

Sokka's Boomerang3.99 USD + local tax
Sokka's Club (includes hook variant)4.99 USD + local tax
Sokka's Machete3.99 USD + local tax
Sokka's Weapons Bundle11.49 USD + local tax

AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 121: Kyoshi Day 2024

2024-04-05 20:59:37 +0000 UTC by VeerSky

An image of the Kyoshi Day celebrations on Kyoshi Island

As spring blossoms, we welcome the cherished Earth Kingdom festival of Kyoshi Day! This joyous occasion unites all in honouring the legendary 230-year-old earthbending Avatar and her remarkable legacy.

Join us in the festivities as the vibrant community of Kyoshi Island hosts a celebration for everyone to partake in. Pack your bags and journey to Kyoshi Island to complete some quests, and catch up on collecting this event's cosmetics!

Take a look around and you might spot some new faces in town!

Note: For players that manually download and install the server's resource pack, remember to get the latest copy to access all the event's models and textures. Players who rely on automatic resource pack downloads need not take action.

Quests Direct Link

Chasing History Direct Link

Ruolan has been dragged into portraying Avatar Kyoshi for the annual ‘Kyoshi Day’ celebrations in her village. This is the centre piece of the festival, but it looks like stage fight might've got to Ruolan. Help her prepare and make this the most memorable Kyoshi Day ever!

Sous Chef Direct Link

Every good festival needs catering, and this one is no exception. Help Chef Yuun create the traditional snack of Kyoshi Day... unfried dough! Who knows, maybe Chef Yuun will teach you her secret recipe?

A Wild Turtle Duck Chase Direct Link

Hinro — the local turtle duck farmer — has lost one of his prized turtle ducks. Follow the trail of eggs to bring it home!

Maze Direct Link

Underground Kyoshi maze

Delve into the catacombs beneath Kyoshi Island, and explore the secluded shrine raised in her likeness in the same year that she passed from this world and traversed into the next. To reach them, speak to Gulao near the Kyoshi duelling grounds, across the river and inside a patch of trees.

Parkour Direct Link

Parkour event connecting harbour to lighthouse

What's an event without a bit of parkour! Head down to the harbour and jump across the water towards the lighthouse.

Cosmetics Direct Link

Players wearing Kyoshi Day cosmetics

Up for a bit of role-play? Why not grab one of our themed cosmetics and take on the role as your favourite Avatar?

From Roku's luscious beard, to Aang's smooth head, these costumes are the perfect way to celebrate Avatar Day! To honour Avatar Kyoshi, the esteemed Warriors of Kyoshi have kindly gifted one of their headdresses for you to own.

If you'd prefer to instead look back on how Avatar Kyoshi created her home island, why not grab the famous helmet of Chin the Conqueror?

To own any of these, simply talk to Tonra in the village.